Bulletin # 18
December 21,
2008 to January 3, 2009
Collections: (last three weeks) $ 3,192.00
Donations: $
Baptisms : $
The clergy of Sts Peter &
Paul Church along with the parishioners would like to welcome
Father Makarios Wehbi
As their new pastor and leader. We
wish him well and we will give him our unconditional support in his sacred and
holy mission of spreading the Good Word. We hope to work hand in hand for the glory of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. Welcome!!
Father Makarios to your new family, the Sts. Peter & Paul Church in Ottawa.
^In Memoriam
The sum of $ 2,855.00
has been contributed to the church for the repose of the soul of Ibrahim
Mansour who has gone to his rest in the peace of Christ on December
3, 2008
May his memory
be eternal!
Pastoral Activities
1. Bible Study every Wednesday at 7:30 p.m. A Scripture &
Religious Study Program guided by Fr. Makarios Wehbi & Fr. Nadim Batikh.
Different subjects and themes are discussed from the Bible. All parishioners
are invited to attend.
2. TCG (teenager Catholic Group 13-15) meetings every
Thursday at 6:00 p.m. to 7:30 p.m.
3. YCG (Youth Catholic Group 16-20) Thursday at 7:30 p.m. to
9:00 p.m.
4. MCYO (Melkite Catholic Youth Organization 19 & over)
meeting every second Friday at 8:00 p.m.
December 21, 2008
Sunday of the Genealogy of Christ
Epistle & Gospel of Sunday before
Divine Liturgy:
Marina (40
Liturgy at 3:00
Following the Service the children are invited to the
* * Children
Annual Christmas Party * *
Sponsored by: the Melkite Catholic Young Adults Organization in the hall. We promise you lot of fun including goodies and presents. The party will be highlighted by the:
The Knights of Sts. Peter & Paul singing Choir,
directed by Mrs. Samira Kairouz and Ms. Diana Perry.
Paramony of
6:30 p.m.: Part of Christmas Matins (Orthros)
7:00 p.m. Christmas
Eve Solemn Divine Liturgy
Gal., 4: 4-7; Gospel: Matth., 2: 1-12
In the thirty-third
year of the reign of Herold, when the staff had gone from Juda as had been
prophesied by Jacob the Patriarch, at a time when the whole world was at peace,
it pleased God to send his only-begotten Son and eternal Word to the world to
become Man and to teach us God's love, to suffer and die and rise from the dead
for our salvation. At that time, the Lord Jesus was born in a humble cave in
Bethlehem of Judas, and no one knew of it but the Immaculate Virgin Mary his
Mother and Joseph her spouse. No one heard of this miracle surpassing all
miracles but a few humble shepherds who had been told by angels in the sky that
sang this hymn:
"Glory to
God in the highest, on earth peace
and good will
towards men”
Solemn Divine Liturgy at 11:00 a.m.
Christ is born, glorify Him!
Christ has come down from heaven, receive Him!
Christ is now on earth, exalt Him!
O you earth, sing to the Lord!
O you nations, praise Him in joy,
For He has been glorified!
Christmas! Joyeux
Saturday, December 27, 2008
Divine Liturgy at 10:00 p.m.
Third Day of Celebration of the Nativity of the Lord; commemoration
of the Holy Protomartyr and Archdeacon Stephen, and of our Holy Father Theodore
the Confessor, brother of Theophane the Hymnographer.
Sunday, December
28, 2008
First Sunday after the Nativity
Commemoration of the Holy & just man,
Joseph, spouse of the Mother of God, of James, brother of the Lord and David,
the King & Prophet.
The Sunday after the Nativity of our Lord and
Savior Jesus Christ is dedicated to the remembrance of three members of our
Lord=s family: the King and Prophet of
Israel David, Saint Joseph, the betrothed of the Mother of God and the Holy
Apostle James, Abrother@ of God. Each of these three holy
men is commemorated at this time for their contribution to our understanding of
the Lord.
Saint Joseph, the betrothed of the Mother of God is honored
for his humble obedience to the divine plan of the Father. It was he who
devotedly kept and protected the Virgin and child Jesus as revealed to us in
Sacred Scripture. His holiness was that of a just and gentle man committed to
the will of God pointing ahead to the mission of our Lord to accomplish the
Father=s will of salvation for humanity.
Commemorating Saint James, the Abrother@ of God, we call to mind that he was
the head of the first Christian community of Jerusalem. As bishop of the Church
of the Holy City, we are reminded of Christ=s special presence among us as we
gather with our bishops as the Body of Christ, the Church, to celebrate the
& Mireille Sabbagh
Will be joined together in the Holy Mystery of
Crowning (Marriage) at 2:00 p.m.
May they be granted many
years of joy & happiness!
At 4:30: Karine, daughter of
Ghassan Sharara & Carole Dib
January 1, 2009
Liturgy of St. Basil
Epistle & Gospel of January 1
Circumcision of
our Lord, God and Saviour Jesus Christ; Commemoration of our Father among the
Saints, Basil the Great.
"And then eight days were fulfilled according to the Law of Moses for his
circumcision, his name was called Jesus, the name given Him by the angel before
He was conceived in the womb."
St. Basil: Basil
is one of the foremost Fathers of the Church. Born at Caesarea of Cappadocia in
329 or 330, he began his studies in Caesarea and continued them at
Constantinople and Athens where he met Gregory Nazaianzen. Their close
friendship lasted all their life. Basil returned to Caesarea in 356. He retired
in the desert near Caesarea where his mother Emilia and his sister Macrina were
living monastic lives. That is where he wrote his Essays on Spiritual Life. He
was ordained to the priesthood by Eusibus, Bishop of Caesarea, and succeeded
him in 370. He died on January 1, 379.
Solemn Divine Liturgy at 11:00 a.m.
Saturday, January 3, 2009
Wedding Bells
El-Marji & Charlene Reynolds
Will be joined together in the Holy Mystery of
Crowning (Marriage) at 3:00 p.m.
May they be granted many
years of joy & happiness!