Jeff Cavins' Bible Reading Plan

"Those who come to the Holy Bible for the first time could expect to open at the beginning of Genesis and read on through to Revelation with the same ease and excitement as reading the novel Gone With the Wind. But it doesn't take the novice long to figure out that the Bible doesn't read like a popular novel. In fact, it isn't put together as a sequential narrative at all; instead the seventy-three books of the Bible are grouped by types of literature [such as history, poetry, wisdom and prophetic] rather than linear narration. Consequently, the once excited inquirer put the untapped treasure back down on the coffee table with a sigh of 'what's the use?'" ("The Great Adventure: A Journey Through the Bible." ii.)

With this in mind, Jeff Cavins developed a historical reading plan to help the reader acquire an overall picture of the biblical story line. After reading the Bible through historically, one can then go back and read the other books and understand them in the context of the story.

Depending on your pace, you could read the entire historical books of the Bible in three, six, or twelve months.

     1. Gen. 1,2,3,4      48. 1 Sam.13,14,15,16
     2. Gen. 5,6,7,8       49. 1 Sam.17,18,19,20
     3. Gen. 9,10,11,12      50. 1 Sam.21,22,23,24
     4. Gen. 13,14,15,16       51. 1 Sam.25,26,27,28
     5. Gen. 17,18,19,20     52. 1 Sam. 29,30,31
     6. Gen. 21,22,23,24      53. 2 Sam. 1,2,3,4
     7. Gen. 25,26,27,28      54. 2 Sam. 5,6,7,8
     8. Gen. 29,30,31,32      55. 2 Sam. 9,10,11,12
     9. Gen. 33,34,35,36      56. 2 Sam.13,14,15,16
     10. Gen. 37,38,39,40      57. 2 Sam.17,18,19,20
     11. Gen. 41,42,43      58. 2 Sam.21,22,23,24
     12. Gen. 44,45,46,47      59. 1 Kings 1,2,3,4,
     13. Gen. 48,49,50      60. 1 Kings 5,6,7,8
     14. Ex. 1,2,3,4      61. 1 Kings9,10,11,12
     15. Ex. 5,6,7,8      62.1Kings13,14,15,16
     16. Ex. 9,10,11,12      63. 1 Kings 17,18,19
     17. Ex. 13,14,15,16      64. 1 Kings 20,21,22
     18. Ex. 17,18,19,20      65. 2 Kings 1,2,3,4
     19. Ex. 21,22,23,24      66. 2 Kings 5,6,7,8
     20. Ex. 25,26,27,28      67. 2 Kings9,10,11,12
     21. Ex. 29,30,31,32      68. 2 Kings 13,14,15,16
     22. Ex. 33,34,35,36      69. 2 Kings 17,18,19,20
     23. Ex. 37,38,39,40      70. 2 Kgs 21,22,23,24,25
     24. Num. 1,2,3,4      71. Ezra 1,2,3,4
     25. Num. 5,6,7,8      72. Ezra 5,6,7,
     26. Num. 9,10,11,1      73. Ezra 8,9,10,
     27. Num. 13,14,15,16      74. Neh. 1,2,3,4
     28. Num. 17,18,19,20      75. Neh. 5,6,7,8
     29. Num. 21,22,23,24      76. Neh 9,10,11,12,13
     30. Num. 25,26,27,28      77. 1 Macc. 1,2,3,4
     31. Num. 29,30,31,3      78. 1 Macc. 5,6,7,8
     32. Num. 33,34,35,36      79. 1 Macc 9,10,11,12
     33. Jsh. 1,2,3,4      80. 1 Macc 13,14,15,16
     34. Jsh. 5,6,7,8      81. Luke 1,2,3,4
     35. Jsh. 9,10,11,12      82. Luke 5,6,7,8
     36. Jsh. 13,14,15,16      83. Luke 9,10,11,12
     37. Jsh. 17,18,19,20      84. Luke 13,14,15,16
     38. Jsh. 21,22,23,24      85. Luke 17,18,19,20
     39. Judg. 1,2,3,4      86. Luke 21,22,23,24
     40. Judg. 5,6,7,8      87. Acts 1,2,3,4
     41. Judg. 9,10,11,      88. Acts 5,6,7,8
     42. Judg. 12,13,14      89. Acts 9,10,11,12
     43. Judg. 15,16,17      90. Acts 13,14,15,
     44. Judg. 18,19,20,21      91. Acts 16,17,18,19,
     45. 1 Sam. 1,2,3,4      92. Acts 20,21,22
     46. 1 Sam. 5,6,7,8      93. Acts 23,24,25
     47. 1 Sam. 9,10,11,12      94. Acts 26,27,28

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